June 2024 - August 2024
Product Design Intern
Design System, Component Library, Cross Functional Communication
In the span of 9 weeks, I hosted workshops, user surveys & interviews, created Best Practices and Do's & Dont's , and most personally, initialized Vagaro's Trust & Safety Initiatives spearheading accessibilit and inclusive best practices to the Product team.
Zeroheight hosts all possible components for both designers and developers to reference.
It's important to scale the documentation to scale with the growing design system.
To give some context, our developers worked overseas, and its hard to communicate accurate design ideas with them.
Both developers and designers struggled to maintain the system for pre-existing and future updates.
Component usages overlap where it becomes ambiguous and confusing for designers to choose components in their workflow.
Add, Search, and Use Components
As Vagaro is expanding the product team, the documentation can guide them to familiarize themselves with anything to help them in their workspaces such as adding design kits, or other hands-on design best practices.
Design contributions
Through working with the Senior Design System Manager, the documentation gives a step-by-step instruction on how to propose a new component that can be added to the system. This includes collaboration with other designers to audit, explore, and document the new component changes or additions to the team.
Advocating for diversity and inclusion in the beauty space
Did you know that LGBTQ+ Friendly was a part of "amenities"? I designed an inclusion filter to include business attribute labels to help empower small businesses.
Discussed overlapping component functions with all senior designers
For example, what is the difference between pill selections and segments? Senior designers struggled to distinguish components based on overlapping definitions, resulting in inconsistencies on many pages.
Categorizing components by their use cases
I collaborated with other designers to see how the documentation wiki-page can be searchable by others. This helped break down overlapping definitions and functions.
Zeroheight hosts all possible components for both designers and developers to reference.
It's important to scale the documentation to scale with the growing design system.